Wednesday 8 April 2015

Review - Dangerous Waters CM Michaels

18369494For Emily Waters, a nature-loving, small-town girl with an overprotective father, heading off to Boston University to study conservation biology is a dream come true—until a chance encounter catapults her into a mythical world she'd do anything to escape.

The latest victim in a rash of abductions near campus, Emily is brutally attacked before being rescued by a powerful new friend. She survives the ordeal, only to find herself held captive and presented with an impossible choice.

While preparing for the unimaginable life she must now embrace, clues soon emerge that Emily may not be entirely human, and her physical transformation awakens goddess-like powers that her new family cannot begin to explain.

Dealing with her human first love, the not-so-platonic relationship with her coven "sister," and her new vampire sort-of-boyfriend further complicates matters, not to mention being secretly hunted by the psychopaths who attacked her. And as the only known offspring of a once all-powerful race, the climactic battle is just the beginning of her journey.

This was a fantastic book, it had me in tears of laughter more than once. The characters were easy to relate to, especially Emily as the book is told mostly from her point of view. It was really well written and captured my attention from the very beginning.
The prologue leaves you intrigued and even a little confused as there are seemingly main characters that are left without names and is very action packed. I know some people wouldn't like that the prologue is confusing but I thought it worked well and definitely left me eager to read more.
I liked the fact that the 'Vampire Curse' was explained solely as a disease, instead of leaning toward the traditional supernatural explanation of vampirism as it was a refreshing change. I have read a few other books that try to explain vampirism as a disease but they are few and far between and none that I have read explain it as well as CM Michaels does here.
My only criticism would be how the book ended, I won't go into too many details as I don't want to reveal any spoilers, but to me it just seemed a strange place to end the book. It wasn't bad by any means, I just thought it was strange.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal/romance books and is probably over the age of 16 as there are a few sex scenes and some quite strong language.

About the Author

C.M. MichaelsC.M Michaels grew up in a small town in northern Michigan as the youngest child of a close-knit family of seven. He met his wife, Teresa, while attending Saginaw Valley State University. Together they've provided a loving home for several four-legged “kids”, including Sophie, their eternally young at heart, hopelessly spoiled Spaniel. 
He has always enjoyed writing, and still has fond memories of reading his first book, a children’s novella, to local grade schools when he was 14. Dangerous Waters, the first book in the Sisters in Blood series, was published by Freya’s Bower on September 5th, 2013. C.M. is currently working on the second book in the Sisters in Blood series along with a 
Fantasy romance called Kerrigan’s Race.

Buy here.

Amazon - Kindle/Paperback

Barnes and noble - Nook (eBook)/Paperback

iTunes - eBook

Friday 3 April 2015

Great so far...

So as I said yesterday I just had to start reading Dangerous Waters (Sisters in Blood #1) by CM Michaels. I'm only a few chapters in but so far, so good. It's fast paced and gripping from the start, I'm really looking forward to reading some more so I'm gonna go and  I'll post a full review when I've finished :)

Thursday 2 April 2015

Need to read...

I've been looking for a good paranormal romance series for a while now and I just found this, it sounds really good and is definitely next on my 'to read' list....


18369494For Emily Waters, a nature-loving, small-town girl with an overprotective father, heading off to Boston University to study conservation biology is a dream come true—until a chance encounter catapults her into a mythical world she’d do anything to escape.
The latest victim in a rash of abductions near campus, Emily is brutally attacked before being rescued by a powerful new friend. She survives the ordeal, only to find herself held captive and presented with an impossible choice. While preparing for the unimaginable life she must now embrace clues soon emerge that Emily may not be entirely human, and her physical transformation awakens goddess-like powers that her new family cannot begin to explain. Dealing with her human first love, the not-so-platonic relationship with her coven “sister,” and her new vampire sort-of-boyfriend further complicates matters, not to mention being secretly hunted by the psychopaths who attacked her. And as the only known offspring of a once all-powerful race, the climactic battle is only the beginning of her journey.

Anyone read this yet?


Hey, so I’m about three weeks from starting my A-level exams and I know that I really should be studying but I just started to re-read Clockwork Angel (Book 1 – The Infernal Devices) by Cassandra Clare and I cant put it down. I literally found myself reading for a solid 4 hours yesterday and didn't even realise until I looked at a clock. Has anyone else ever done that? Got so engrossed and lost in a really great book that you almost seem to lose all sense of reality?

Anyway, this post was supposed to be a bit about my blog (I've never actually blogged before if you can’t already tell) but I kinda got sidetracked, sorry! So, as I said this is my first blog and, if you cant tell from the title, its going to be mainly a book review blog but there may be a few random bits about my life if anything interesting happens, unlikely though that is :)

I hope you like my blog and any comments or ideas on how I can make it better would be greatly appreciated,
